Bricks all the way

Where bricks are the way to go

Official set: Boutique Hotel (10297)

The Boutique hotel is part of the Modular building sets. I only started collecting modular sets quite recently. I started with the Police station and then also purchased the Bookshop and Assembly Square sets to expand my collection. Of course I would love to get the older sets as well, but we all know that they are quite expensive.

The Boutique hotel has this amazing classic French style/look. Quite some fun techniques are used on the outside as well on the inside. In the lobby you find a great looking reception area with a patterned tile floor leading to the staircase going up. On the first floor there are two smaller rooms for the ones living on a budget. A fun desk including typewriter overlooking the city view is located in one of the rooms. On the second floor there is a larger penthouse suite, with a bathroom and lots of closet space, suitable for the more luxurious traveler.

Next to the hotel is a quaint little art gallery, which houses some great abstract art pieces. From cubism to some Picasso like paintings.

Above the art gallery is a Cuban bar where hotel guest can relax and wind down with a nice cocktail in tropical palmtree style.

This is another great set in the modular line. It is a corner set which might put some fans off, but for the collectors it is of course a must have piece to add to the modular building collection.

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© 2024 Bricks all the way

Thema door Anders Norén